Animation Lottie


Discover my installations 

Legacy (2023)

Acrylic on fabric

Legacy is a project around self-perception. The ability to see ourself from different perspective and being connected to others in different ways.

A school of fish (2021)

100 pieces of ceramic

After the wall I made in 2019, I needed to feel the fish in my hand, I wanted to catch it. I made around 100 pieces of ceramic. During the process of making these ceramic fishes, I reconnected to my own emotions. My emotions are like a school of fish. A lot of emotions together and intense. My emotions are like fishes, hard to catch.

The fish wall (2019)

Around 2700 handmade fishes. Acrylic and black pen

The fish wall is a meditative art work. I needed to calm my mind. Repeating the same act helped me to get inside peace. Doing the same gesture, painting with variations of blue, cutting and drawing made me realize that it’s by repeating acts that I started to understand and see aspects of the creation that at the first time I wasn’t aware of.

I like installation, being part of a project. I start with an idea and go through different states, hope, excitement, despair, obstacles, faith and motivation. There’s always a moment in which I surrender and admit that I am ignorant and lost. At this moment my state of mind changes and I realize that I am part of something bigger than myself. Creation is an energy, something that is not always easy to understand, it has its own rules.